I’m a creative professional in the DC Metro area, making my living doing what I love: designing to help people, and for social change! I’m incredibly passionate about this work, and would be happy to talk about what we can create together. If you need a logo, branding package, website, or the complete user experience process, let’s chat! To get in touch, please visit my contact page, or shoot me an email at [email protected].
One of the most useful things you learn in art school is Design Thinking. Planning a brand, website, or digital service always starts with research, and lots of it. With adequate insight into your target demographic, including user personas, user interviews, and focus groups, we can get a better idea of what resonates with your people. After planning and research, I always begin designs with pencil and paper. You’ll be there through every part of the process, as we move into digitizing your logo, or making a prototype of your user interface or website. Once we’ve made all the revisions we need, you’ll get a final deliverable that’s polished and ready to use, with all of that planning behind it. Intuitive, user-centered designs are the way forward as we move into an increasingly digital world!