Date: May 2020

Client: Voter Action Project

The Voter Action Project fights to making voting more accessible for all Americans. This group of passionate humans have dedicated themselves to both protecting and expanding voter rights in all states, especially in the turmoil of the Corona Virus pandemic. They believe that voters shouldn’t have to choose between protecting their loved ones from sickness and exercising their civic duty, let alone miss their opportunity to influence elections for other reasons. By expanding the option of voting to mail-in ballots, Americans everywhere will be able to have their say in the way our country develops.

The Voter Action Project is a sister organization to the Integrity First PAC, also aiming to protect the rights of Americans by focusing on progressive candidates and targeting those who do not seek positive social change.
We are dedicated to protecting and expanding voting rights, and expanding Vote By Mail in every state. We are dedicated to protecting and expanding voting rights, and expanding Vote By Mail in every state. We are dedicated to protecting and expanding voting rights, and expanding Vote By Mail in every state. 

To keep the Voter Action Project’s logo in league with its sister organization’s logo (Integrity First PAC), my sketches focused on a simple and clean style with themes of vote-casting. Digitized and tweaked in Illustrator, the client and I worked to find something fairly similar to their other logo, while still having a unique look. Using the same colors, typography, and straightforward design, we came up with a logo that represents their fight to protect and expand voter rights.

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